
目前显示的是 八月, 2019的博文

How to Choose the Right Grow Tents Size for Cannabis

The Size of Your Grow Tent Matters The size of the tent you choose is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. Together with your plant choices, it will inform your selection of supporting components and contribute to your overall operating costs. If you choose an oversized tent, you run the risk of paying more for your basic equipment and for the energy necessary to power your lights, fans and other equipment. If you choose an undersized tent, you risk creating a crowded and potentially unhealthy environment for your plants, or one that simply won’t accommodate mature plants, even after aggressive staking or trellising and pruning. Even though grow tents are available in lots of different shapes and sizes, the one thing they all have in common is their basic purpose—to contain and cultivate plants. You can find tabletop models, and tents that fit into walk-in or sliding-door closets. There are tents large enough to dwarf a basement or attic, but fill a suburban garage....

How High Should Grow Lights be Above Plants?

If you’ve spent any time searching for the best height to hang your grow lights, you’ve probably found a bunch of wildly different answers. That’s because it’s impossible to give an exact distance.What I can give you, is a good starting point. From there, you’ll gradually move the lights closer to the canopy, while monitoring your plants closely. This way, you’ll end up finding the sweet spot for your particular garden. That’s the best anyone can do for you. The perfect hanging height depends on so many factors that no one could ever provide an accurate answer. But if you follow the recommendations below, you will have no trouble finding the perfect distance to hang your grow lights above your particular canopy. We’ll begin with LED grow lights, then we’ll cover HID lights, then fluorescent lights, and finally ceramic metal halide. Why do different grow lights need to be hung at different heights? If your indoor garden is supposed to mimic a plant’s natural (outdoor) environ...

What is the Best LED Spectrum for Marijuana Growing?

Most cannabis growers have multiple objectives in mind when planning an indoor grow. Drafting scenarios to achieve higher yields, increase THC levels, or simply to improve the overall health of a plant is an integral part of their hobby. This element of strategic planning involves the challenge to link knowledge of different scientific fields and to match those findings to a technical solution that helps to achieve predefined goals. Besides dedication and passion, it is the willingness to learn that differentiates good growers from future experts – so let us try to grow the royal way and learn what it takes to cultivate cannabis of exceptional quality WHAT IS THE LIGHT SPECTRUM? The sun emits energy in the form of solar radiation including gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, and even radio waves. Life on Earth is only possible because the ozone layer blocks this radiation, and reflects most of it back into space. This filtering process only allows wave lengths be...

What is different between Male vs Female Cannabis Plants

Cannabis plants have evolved enormously over the past couple of decades, mainly thanks to human kind. We’ve spent years combining different species from all over the planet. Every strain has its own specific characteristics , such as structure, type of buds, flavor and effects. When you combine male and female weed plants that are different strains, the new creation takes on characteristics from both, allowing us to create totally new plants . One of the biggest evolutions has been the appearance of feminized plants ; after years and years of work, cannabis plants can be created to have a 99% chance to be female. You need to know how to tell male from female plants when growing regular seeds, as you’ll only get actual psychoactive weed from the female flowers. Male plants pollinate female plants, which fills their flowers up with seeds so if you’re looking to make the most of your plants you’ll want to keep them away from each other. Hopefully we can help you to tell the differen...

How long does it take to fully grow a marijuana plant Indoor?

What to Consider Before You Start Growing Weed There is always something exciting about  growing weed . Whether one plans to use it for medical purposes or recreationally, being able to harvest the buds will always feel special. But before you begin growing your weed, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Below are a few things one needs to know before cultivating their weed garden: Know the Basics of Weed Prior to starting a  cannabis grow , one has to have knowledge of the basics of the plant itself. While one doesn’t need to know all of the ins and outs of cannabis, having an understanding of its structure, nutrient requirements and life cycle will come in handy. Reading a comprehensive marijuana grow book is an essential step that one can take to further get educated on the basics of cannabis. Know the Amount of Power Needed   This one applies mainly to indoor growers. Marijuana plants require at least 18 hours of light each day to...